*Please contact the Greenhouse to confirm product availability.*
Soil, Fertilizers, & Garden Care Products

All Purpose Potting Mix

Aluminum Sulfate, Hi-Yield

Aquatic Planter - 2 pack of 8" x 6"

Aquatic Planter - 2 Pack 12" x 8"

Calcium Nitrate, Hi-Yield

Dr. Earth, Life, All Purpose Fertilizer

Eight Insect Control

Fertilome, Triple Action

Fish Emulsion Fertilizer, 5-5-1

Fertilome, Gardener's Special, 11-15-11

Jack's Hydrangea Blue, 7-3-3

Jobes Fruit & Citrus Fertilizer

Fertilome, Broad Spectrum Landscape Fungeside

Monterey, Sluggo

Mosquito Dunks, Summit

Pond Plant Potting Media, Aquascape

Hi-Yield, Rose Fertilizer

Sevin 5% Dust

Super Moss, Moss Mix

Super Moss, Super Moss Pole

Super Moss, Preserved Forrest Moss

Exotic Pebbles & Aggregates - Blue

Exotic Pebbles & Aggregates - Green

Mosser Lee, Soil Cover - Dessert Sand

Mosser Lee, Soil Cover - Black Sand

Mosser Lee, Soil Cover - White Sand

Pot Sox Fabric Cover - fits 6" pot

Jack's, Classic Petunia FeED, 20-6-22

Slow Release Plant Food, Orchids & Bromeliads

Jobes Fertilizer Spikes for House Plants

Destroyer Super Gasser for Moles & Gophers

Fertilome Rooting Powder - 2 oz.

Houseplant Sticky Stakes, Safer Brand

Bee Happy Magnets (4 Pack)

Super Moss, Kokedama Green Moss Ball Planter - 4"

Super Moss, Kokedama Green Moss Ball Planter - 6"

Neem Oil Concentrate - 8 fl. oz.

Leaf Shine - 13.4 fl. oz.

Super Moss - Mood Moss 200"

Super Moss - Instant Green Moss Mat 18"x48"

Organic Potting Mix - 4 Qt.

Fertilome, Fungicide - 24 oz.

Gift Craft - White Sand - 24 oz.

Gift Craft - Black Sand - 24 oz.

Gift Craft - Brown Sand - 24 oz.